Upcoming meetings of the NZSBDV

Venue: Hilton Hotel Princes Wharf, 147 Quay Street Auckland, New Zealand
Dates: Friday 27th & Saturday 28th October
Training Day: Sunday 29th October

The organising committee of the 2023 NOTSA/NZSBDV combined meeting are pleased to announce that registration is now open for this years meeting, to be held on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th October with a Training Day on Sunday 29th October.
This year we welcome you to Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, New Zealand. We are excited to announce that Associate Professor Bryan Ward, Otolaryngologist from Johns Hopkins University, USA, will be attending as our international Keynote Speaker. The meeting is multidisciplinary and offers a stimulating two-day program covering the latest in research and clinical practice. The training day incorporates vestibular function and dysfunction, clinical assessment and rehabilitation/management and is pitched to generalist ENT surgeons and neurologists, as well as physiotherapists and audiologists with an interest in vestibular practice. Registrars and trainees also find these training days valuable for learning and networking.
We hope you can join us in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
Dr Rachael Taylor (PhD)
Convenor, Combined NOTSA & NZSBDV Meeting 2023
Organising Committee: Dr Justine Bradley, Dr Phillip Cremer, Dr Luke Chen, Dr Alice Stringer, Prof Denise Taylor, Dr Ben Tsang, Dr John Waterston, Mr Roger Winton
We invite presenters to submit their abstracts for oral presentations at this year’s meeting.
Please email your abstract to Rachael Taylor by Friday 21st July 2023.
Email: rachael.taylor@auckland.ac.nz
Please provide the following details when submitting your abstract:
- Contact details to include -title, first name, surname, affiliation, state or country for the submitting author
- Title, first name, surname for any co-authors
- Abstract title (maximum 20 words)
- Abstract (maximum 200 words)

We are pleased that the Hilton Hotel are able to offer up to 10% off the best available rate at the time of booking and subject to availability to those who are attending the NOTSA/NZSBDV meeting.
You can book your accommodation through the Hilton Hotel’s conference attendee website by clicking the below link:
OTHER ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS The Hilton Hotel is centrally located and there are many accommodation options close by to fit a range of budgets. Please note that specific rates have not been negotiated.
Friday 27th October
8:00am 5:00pm- Meeting
Welcome Drinks: 6:30pm- 9:00pm Venue: Viaduct Yacht Club 48 Market Place, Auckland
Saturday 28th October
8:00am - 5:00pm MeetingSunday 29th October: Training Day
8:00am - 1:30pm followed by a late lunch at 1:30pm and optional hands-on training session/equipment demo on vestibular function testing from 2:00pm - 3:30pmTo book this event click on the QR code below

For Enquiries contact Kathleen Poon E: kathpoon@bigpond.com
New Zealand Society for Balance Dizziness and Vertigo (NZSBDV) and New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (NZSOHNS) Combined Clinical and Scientific Meeting
Date: Tuesday 15th October 2019 (Optional balance workshop) and Wednesday 16th October 2019 (Keynote and other presentations)Venue: The Dunedin Centre, Dunedin.
The meeting will commence on Tuesday with an optional balance workshop, which will include a series of didactic teaching sessions in the morning, followed by a hands-on practical in the afternoon. Due to space restrictions, places in the workshop are limited, particularly for the afternoon practical. The afternoon practical will take place within the School of Physiotherapy, 325 Great King Street and will include four workstations, providing an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with video head impulses, vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials, posturography, and positional testing and particle repositioning manoeuvres. Keynote and other NZSBDV presentations will take place on Wednesday at the Dunedin Centre in conjunction with the NZOHNS conference.
If you are attending the full NZSOHNS conference and would like to include the Tuesday balance workshop (for an extra $85), please register through the NZSOHNS conference website. For all others, please refer to the following pricing structure which includes discounted rates for NZSBDV members and register via the link below:
Day | NZSBDV Members | Non-members |
Tuesday (all day) and Wednesday: | $100 | $200 |
Tuesday (morning only) and Wednesday: | $60 | $160 |
Tuesday only: | $85 | $85 |
Wednesday only: | $50 | $100 |
Registration link: https://forms.gle/tHubbTMZJ4DCkubr9
The meeting will include keynote speakers, Dr Louisa Murdin, an Audiovestibular Physician from London with an interest in vestibular migraine and the influence of psychological factors on vestibular disorders, and Professor Robert Briggs, an Otolaryngologist who will be talking about surgery in vestibular disorders. Invited speakers, Associate Professor Hamish MacDougall and Dr Elodie Chiarovano from the University of Sydney, will participate in both the workshop and Wednesday conference.
More details in the flyer (PDF, 4 MB).
New Zealand Society for Balance Dizziness and Vertigo (NZSBDV) and Neuro-Otology Society of Australia (NOTSA) Combined Clinical and Scientific Meeting
Date: Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th November 2018Training Day: Sunday 25th November 2018
Venue: InterContinental Hotel, 2 Grey Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Registration is now open to attend the Combined Clinical and Scientific Meeting of NZSBDV and NOTSA which will be held on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th November with a Clinical Training Day on Sunday 25th November 2018, at the InterContinental Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand. Our guest speaker this year will be David Zee, Professor of Neurology, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Ophthalmology and Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore. He combines medical practice and teaching with both basic and clinical research and is a renowned for training physicians and scientists in ocular motor and vestibular physiology and their clinical implications. Professor Zee is also the director of the Vestibular/Eye Movement Testing Laboratory at Johns Hopkins.
There will be the usual interesting clinical case discussions as well as presentations on topics of interest. The meeting is always friendly, informal and will be of major interest to otologists, neurologists, audiologists, physiotherapists, scientists, as well as ENT and neurology trainees.
- The meeting will begin on Friday morning at 8.15am and conclude on Saturday at 5.00pm.
- A Welcome Reception will be held on Friday at FoxGlove, Queens Wharf, Wellington from 6.00pm.
- The training day will be held on Sunday 25th November from 8.00am to 1.00pm.
- 08:30 - 08:50 Professor Ian Curthoys - Vestibular anatomy and physiology
- 08:50 - 09:10 Leigh McGarvie - vHIT techniques, pitfalls and misinterpretation
- 09:10 - 09:55 Professor David Zee - Deciphering some mysteries of nystagmus: a video tutorial
- 10:00 - 10:20 Morning tea
- 10:20 - 10:40 John Waterston - Vestibular migraine - an unrecognised treatable condition
- 10:40 - 11:00 Sally Rosengren / Rachael Taylor - cVEMPS and oVEMPs Technical aspects and which test for the right patient
- 11:00 - 11:20 Prof Michael Halmagyi - Is my vertigo central or peripheral?
- 11:20 - 11:40 Justine Bradley - What are the important basics for a new Neurotologist?
- 11:40 - 12:00 Assoc Prof Phil Bird - What a Neurologist should know about otology
Final Programme & Abstracts
A special rate has been arranged with the InterContinental Hotel for rooms booked for the period of the meeting.
Please use this link to book your accommodation.
To register for the meeting visit https://www.trybooking.com/VWFJ
Conference Convenor
Kathleen Poon +61 402 891 804
Third Annual Scientific Meeting - Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd December 2017. Room AA236, AUT Akoranga Campus, North Shore, Auckland.
The third scientific meeting of the New Zealand Society for Dizziness, Balance and Vertigo was held at the Akoranga Campus of AUT in Auckland on December 2 and 3.
The programme included:
- Michael Hoffer, Miami - Neurosensory disorders after mTBI
- Paul Smith, Dunedin - Implications of vestibular input to the hippocampus for vestibular rehabilitation
- Jeremy Hornibrook, Christchurch - Vestibular paroxysmia (PDF, 3.65 MB)
- Michael Hoffer, Miami - Workshop: Working up the patient with mTBI
- Johnny Wu - A case of hydrocephalus and rapid bilateral SNHL
- Nicola Saywell - Post-concussion dizziness: from spinning to cross fit
- Justine Bradley - Comparison of static and dynamic tests of otolith function
- Anne Burston - Comparison of the video head impulse test with the caloric test in patients with sub-acute and chronic vestibular disorders
- Julie Rope - Case presentation
- Rachael Taylor, Whangarei - Vestibular migraine presenting as an acute vestibular syndrome
- Shikha Chaudhary - Role of optic flow and eye movements in motion sensitivity
- Jeremy Hornibrook, Christchurch - Scary cases: A time for reflection (PDF, 1.01 MB)
- Margaret Sharpe, Adelaide - Workshop: Treatment for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome
We thank AUT and Interacoustics for their sponsorship.
Second Scientific Meeting and AGM - Saturday 9th April 2016, 12 pm to 5 pm, Sunday 10th April 2016, 9 am to 12 pm. Beaven Lecture Theatre at the University of Otago, Christchurch School of Medicine.
- David Jardine, Christchurch - Blood pressure and blood pressure control
- Jeremy Hornibrook, Christchurch - Dizziness — A confession
- Leigh McGarvie, Sydney - The video head impulse test (vHIT) - : background, techniques and pitfalls
- Gurjoat Vraich, Christchurch - Does optic fixation VOR testing tell us everything?
- Paul Smith, Dunedin - Update on evidence that vestibular function affects spacial memory
- Peter Thorne, Auckland - Animal models for therapies for hearing loss and balance
- Michael McCallin, Auckland - The role of computerised posturography in patients with vestibular disorders
- Peter Thorne, Auckland - The proposed hearing and balance centre at the University of Auckland
- Leigh McGarvie, Sydney - Vestibular myogenic potentials (VEMPs) - in vestibular testing
- Rachael Taylor, Auckland - Patterns of afferent dysfunction in acute vestibular neuritis
- Leigh McGarvie, Sydney - The future of vestibular testing
- Denise Taylor, Auckland - The experience of of chronic dizziness: learnings for clinical practice
- Stuart Mossman, Wellington - The personality characteristics of PPPD and BPPV
- Denise Taylor, Auckland - Visual vertigo: developing specific virtual reality interventions
- Jeremy Hornibrook, Christchurch - The balance and cognitive disabilities of chronic perilymph fistula
- Steve Toynton, Hawkes Bay - Perilymph fistula cases
Basic Course in Vestibular Diagnosis and Common Vestibular Conditions for General Practitioners, Residents and Hospital Staff - Saturday 9th April 2016, 9 am to 12 pm. Beaven Lecture Theatre at the University of Otago, Christchurch School of Medicine.
- The Vestibular System. "Dizziness" or Vertigo?
- Diagnosis of BPPV and its treatments demonstrated
- Sudden vestibular failure
- Menière's disease
- Vestibular Migraine
- Sudden and fluctuating hearing loss
Advanced Course in Vestibular Rehabilitation by Professor Susan Whitney from the University of Pittsburgh - Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November 2015 Wellington Hearing Association Rooms, 16 Kent Terrace, Wellington.
- Update on new interventions/ideas for treating BPPV based on the latest evidence
- Update on techniques for treating horizontal canal BPPV
- The role of the physiotherapist in managing concussion patients
- Vestibular oculo-motor examination and Maddox Rod testing
- Management of concussion and migraine cases
- Management of cerebellar cases
- New high tech advances in vestibular rehabilitation
First Scientific Meeting - 30th May 2015. Wellington Hearing Association Rooms, 6 Kent Terrace, Wellington
- Jeremy Hornibrook, Christchurch - BPPV From The Very Beginning
- Anne Burston, Christchurch - Demonstration of BPPV Repositioning Techniques
- Michael McCallin, Auckland - A Case of BPPV
- Anne Burston, Wellington - A Survey Of New Zealand Physiotherapists
- Carole Rogers, Wellington - Physiotherapy For Vertigo And Dizziness Following TBI
- Craig Lett, Auckland - Video Head Impulse Testing (vHIT)
- Gurjoat Vraich, Christchurch - Our Experience With the VOR Camera
- Stuart Mossman, Wellington - An Audit of The Management of Vestibular Neuritis at Wellington Hospital
- Alice Guidera, Christchurch - The Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome In Christchurch
- Peter Thorne, Auckland - Imaging The Inner Ear In Menière's Disease
- Philip Bird, Christchurch - Surgery For Intractable Vertigo
- Jeremy Hornibrook,Christchurch - "Dizziness" And Dizziness Caused By Medications
Speakers at the Inaugural Meeting to Discuss Formation of the Society - 10th May 2014. Wellington Hospital, Wellington
- Professor Michael Halmagyi, Sydney
- The history and examination in balance disorders
- Head impulse testing
- Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs)
- Professor Paul Smith, Dunedin
- Beyond vestibular reflexes: human evidence that vestibular loss affects cognitive function
- Why vestibular information is important for spatial memory
- Anxiety disorders in patients with vestibular dysfunction
- Dr Stuart Mossman, Wellington
- Clinical cases